Monday, July 28, 2014

have you seen my motivation?

So I thought this blog was a good idea... but right as I start it, I also happen to hit a slump. My motivation is completely missing, it has ran away or something... who knows what happened. I haven't been doing a lot of the things I know I should and am really dragging. I do not have anything exciting to share on here because of the fact that I haven't been keeping up on the house work. I have 3 pokemon that I need to crochet and have started one but still have a lot left on it. I also have a long list of things I need to take the kids out to do before summer is over. Man is summer flying by!!!! hopefully tomorrow or at least soon I will have located my motivation so we can get out and have some fun adventures. (honestly getting out and playing with the kids is way more important to me than a clean house.) 2 days ago Paxton got hit with a stomach bug tho and then i got it yesterday. I am mostly better just a tad queasy when I move around to much. maybe tomorrow will be all better. I SURE HOPE MALAK DOESN'T GET IT!!! well if you see my motivation let me know!!! here's to hopping that tomorrow is more that sitting on the couch, or laying in the hammock reading, or talking with the kiddos. I'm ready to get out there and play! Today I did get to enjoy a nice summer rain storm and watch the kids have a blast "going on a snail hunt" or doing a "snail robbery" there is nothing quite like laying around relaxing while laughing at the imaginations of children at play. I LOVE LOVE LOVE the fact that my kids can play outside together for hours doing things like that. its sad that my kids keep wanting to play video games and not just use their imaginations more and more.

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