Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Plastic canvas minecraft creeper.

I decided mushroom  needed a friend so I went ahead and  drew out plans for a creeper!  :)  Here is how it went... 

The design  I made.  The top of legs section  is done in one section and legs are attached to the bottom and body to the top.  
When attaching the legs I found it easiest  to attach one side however you prefer,  but for the second side I sewed sides or legs together in a row,  then after they were attached to each other, I attached  them to the body. I opted to not sew the inside side of the second leg section leaving only 3 sides attached to base,  and it seems fine. 
Attach the base of the head onto the body prior to sewing entire head together.  I do wish I had only attached it on the front and back.  I think it would have been easier sewing the head together without the additional layer of yarn already attached when assembling the head. 
Here he is! 
Finished product.  :)  still not perfect,   but I like it.  

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Plastic canvas minecraft cow experiment

My 8 year old is obsessed with minecraft!!!  We were at a store and he saw minecraft  plush toys,  they were not high quality  or anything  I was dieing to buy,  yet still cost quite a bit. The crazy person I am natrually came home and looked to see if I could find Crochet  pattern  for them.  I came across  a picture  of a plastic canvas mushroom,   the cow.  (which is the one he really  wanted at the store)  It didn't have a pattern or anything so I got brainstorming how I could make this happen.  Looking at pictures (Yay for them being pixilated)  Using graph paper I started drawing my pattern to use.  Hopping I could actually do it, I jumped in.   My grandma  made some pretty  elaborate  things from plastic canvas so I knew it could be done,  but this is only my second  attempt  at doing plastic canvas,  so wish me luck.  So far it's going fairly well,  I just wish I didn't start on the face before I figured out what I was doing.  Of course I messed up slightly figuring out what I was doing.  I didn't mess up bad enough to redo it just enough to wish I worked out some kinks before doing a crutial part of him.  I think  I'm going to make another smaller one cuz I made this guy 4 squares to every one graph paper square and I think  it would work out just fine smaller and make a few other characters  too.  Then I can make him some friends and foes. (creeper) :)  I'll have to update after I fully finish.

My not so pretty  plans.  :) 
Mushroom's  progress so far,  just one more piece to make,  until it's time for assembly.  :)  im excited  to see how it comes out and make more guys.  Fingers crossed that this will actually  be  a good Christmas  present  for the kiddo! 

When assembling,  don't sew entirely  shut before attaching the mushrooms and legs.  
I decided  to lightly stuff the body with some  wadded up news paper.  I did not feel like anywhere else other than the body needed it and even there I probably didn't need it.  
Mushroom  is done!  Other than he is bigger than I wanted (approximately 9 1/2 inches tall to the top of the  mushrooms)  I think he turned out great!  He isn't excessively  tall by any means,  I just prefer cute little  ones. 

Crochet baby shower gift

A friend of mine is having a baby shower  and I decided I was going  to crochet something  to go with my gift.  Originally  I was planning  on  doing the motorcycle diaper cake thing and Crochet  the stuffed animal  for it.  After asking what her favorite  animal was I began searching to see if there was a good option for an owl that could sit on the motorcycle.  While searching  I decided to change my plan and just Crochet a gift all together and bag the motorcycle all together.  This is what I have so far and am trying  to decide of I should add more to the gift or just  do these. I hope they work out and are adorable  on the tiny day girl soon to come :)  I'm  not entirely  happy with how the green sandles turned out but hopefully  they will work out. I am not goona lie, I'm not one of those people who find crocheting  therapeutic  or just wants to sit down and Crochet  to crochet,  but I do like finishing cute,  unique things! Maybe one day I'll love crocheting in  itself,  but for now I just look forward to finishing cute things like this! 

The owl hat pattern  is found here.
Sandles were found here.