Tonight is one of those nights where I feel tired, I want to sleep, but after a hour of my racing mind, I decide sleep is not happening right now. I just keep debating on if I should reach out to friends about my struggling or just keep going mostly alone, the struggle I have is in my head anyway so it all on me in the long run. The past few years have been rough emotionally for me. Reaching a point where both my kids are so independent and gone at school most of the day most of the year, Not working at all at a job away from home for the first time sense high school, and because all our kids getting older and involved in different things; makes my social life difficult. All these things put together have left me with the dilemma of figuring out who I want to be.
It's been challenging for me to adjust to my kids way of needing me involved in their life changing so drastically. (even if it wasn't over night or anything). It still went from me being in charge and needing to do or at least over see everything in every aspect of the kids lives. I have helped them learn new skills and as they have learned so much, I now have 2 very independent kids. They no longer need or want me to make them breakfast and lunch everyday. I don't have to be able to see what they are doing every second. They are so helpful (when they decide to be) I just have to check on them and encourage things. My involvement, though it is still needed and should not be devalued, has definitely changed and left me trying to figure out what to do. I never imagined how big of a change this would feel, and that it would be this hard of a tradition for me.
It's now been almost exactly a year since I opted from taking a full time position at my old job where I had been being a relief tech for years, and working full time on and off here and there. They got it approved to hire another full time person which made it much easier to use their regular employees to cover when they are short a person, and have it not mess up the day, so they got rid of my position. I agree with their decision and don't regret mine either. However I do miss it, I miss my coworkers. I miss going to work feeling productive, and needed doing something 'adult' and different than my normal day to day stuff. I also really miss earning play money, so we could do more fun things and I didn't feel like I was pulling from something else.
Seems my social life has been struggling too, it's partly kids getting older, more involved in diff things and a lot of the year in school, making play dates hard. It makes me sad that friends I felt close to and saw all the time, I almost never see anymore. I know I'm a big part of it. I'm not so good at scheduling things, or deciding what to do in the first place. Also due to struggling with my depression a lot more, it makes it hard to actually click and fully relate and be someone they want to be around.
I really need to figure out who I want to be, is it going to be best for my family, and I for me to work outside of the home, or continue to have to flexibility of staying at home, not having to use a daycare, and having more time to make sure I'm very involved in my kids lives. It's hard because I don't think there is one right answer, and there are both pros and cons to both decisions. I've been tossing with this for a year now and I'm being the usual me; I just can't seem to make decisions. Why are all decisions so hard! Okay , now I have a lot of typed rambling that I don't know how to close, and it's all over the place. I'm definitely not a writer. Guess if my crazy makes you crazy you can decide of you will embrace it with me or be scared away. :)
Simply pretending to be awesome!
Monday, July 18, 2016
Late night ramblings
Wednesday, November 26, 2014
too much me time
Tuesday, November 11, 2014
Plastic canvas Minecraft chicken.
I decided to add a chicken to the minecraft plastic canvas toys for my boys. This is how it turned out. I had to put a double layer on the feet so it angled the chicken up to help it balance. For the legs I stitched all three layers then stitched them together making the legs more firm. The chicken is still not perfectly balanced or anything but she stands up on her own so I'm calling it a win.
Wednesday, September 24, 2014
Plastic canvas minecraft creeper.
I decided mushroom needed a friend so I went ahead and drew out plans for a creeper! :) Here is how it went...
Tuesday, September 16, 2014
Plastic canvas minecraft cow experiment
My 8 year old is obsessed with minecraft!!! We were at a store and he saw minecraft plush toys, they were not high quality or anything I was dieing to buy, yet still cost quite a bit. The crazy person I am natrually came home and looked to see if I could find Crochet pattern for them. I came across a picture of a plastic canvas mushroom, the cow. (which is the one he really wanted at the store) It didn't have a pattern or anything so I got brainstorming how I could make this happen. Looking at pictures (Yay for them being pixilated) Using graph paper I started drawing my pattern to use. Hopping I could actually do it, I jumped in. My grandma made some pretty elaborate things from plastic canvas so I knew it could be done, but this is only my second attempt at doing plastic canvas, so wish me luck. So far it's going fairly well, I just wish I didn't start on the face before I figured out what I was doing. Of course I messed up slightly figuring out what I was doing. I didn't mess up bad enough to redo it just enough to wish I worked out some kinks before doing a crutial part of him. I think I'm going to make another smaller one cuz I made this guy 4 squares to every one graph paper square and I think it would work out just fine smaller and make a few other characters too. Then I can make him some friends and foes. (creeper) :) I'll have to update after I fully finish.

Crochet baby shower gift
A friend of mine is having a baby shower and I decided I was going to crochet something to go with my gift. Originally I was planning on doing the motorcycle diaper cake thing and Crochet the stuffed animal for it. After asking what her favorite animal was I began searching to see if there was a good option for an owl that could sit on the motorcycle. While searching I decided to change my plan and just Crochet a gift all together and bag the motorcycle all together. This is what I have so far and am trying to decide of I should add more to the gift or just do these. I hope they work out and are adorable on the tiny day girl soon to come :) I'm not entirely happy with how the green sandles turned out but hopefully they will work out. I am not goona lie, I'm not one of those people who find crocheting therapeutic or just wants to sit down and Crochet to crochet, but I do like finishing cute, unique things! Maybe one day I'll love crocheting in itself, but for now I just look forward to finishing cute things like this!
Tuesday, July 29, 2014
Baby shower motorcycle
About 2 years ago I was trying to figure out what gift to get for my nephew's baby shower. My aunt called me up telling me that she heard I needed a gift for a baby shower and that she had the perfect idea for me. The people at the daycare she had been working at had been using this idea for a few and it was a big hit. She sent me to check out
I loved it! The motorcycle could be done fairly cheap if you didn't care at all about brands and such, however I decided I wanted to use products that they actually wanted so that it would be more appreciated. I convinced my sister in law to go in on it with me. After my first one and the mom to be saying she wanted to use it for decoration in baby's room for a while, I decided to use size 2 diapers next time so that there was no rush in taking it apart and all supplies would still be used. I think this is a brilliant idea and had a lot of fun creating this fun gift. :)